Prepare For Your Day: Minnesota History Center
Before you come
- Give a copy of your schedule to all the teachers coming with your group.
- Assign students to specific chaperones. A ratio of one chaperone for every ten students is required and a ratio of one chaperone for every five students is recommended. One chaperone per five students is admitted free during your History Center visit.
- Make name tags for your students.
- Make copies of directions and parking information for bus drivers and chaperones.
Bus directions and parking
Chaperone parking information (PDF)
Prepare your chaperones
- Print the Chaperone guide (PDF) for your chaperones to review before coming to the museum and to help them find their way around the building.
- Preview: send them the link to the Chaperone page to get them excited about their day.
- Chaperones are responsible for the conduct of the students they are accompanying. The History Center requires that students and chaperones remain together at all times.
Prepare your students
- Discuss Museum Manners.
- Share the two-minute introduction video.
The History Center welcomes all visitors and strives to make everyone's visit a positive experience. Please let us know if your group has anyone with special accommodation needs. Call 1-888-387-5008 to discuss your access needs.
- Auxiliary aids or services, including sign language interpreters, are available with two weeks' notice
- Wheelchairs are available on site for use during your visit
- Private spaces and restrooms are available for diaper changing and tube feeding
- More about Minnesota History Center accessibility
The day of your visit
- Bag or box lunches together by classroom or by chaperone for ease of distribution.
- Give the bus drivers directions (inform your drivers of the drop-off location on John Ireland Boulevard) and parking map.
- Give chaperones a list of the students in their group and scheduled activities.
When you arrive at the History Center
- Send one teacher in the John Ireland Boulevard entrance to check in at the 2nd floor MacMillan Education Center front desk.
- Give an accurate count of the number of students and adults.
- Students will enjoy a brief orientation before starting their exploration.
Minnesota History Center
345 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55102
View on map | Bus directions and parking | Current exhibits
- $8 per student
- +$2 per lesson per student
- $80-$120 minimum group fee (depending on program)
- District staff FREE
- One free adult per five students. Additional chaperones invoiced at student rate.
- Admission costs are for anyone age 4 and over
- Memberships and 6th grade passes are not valid on field trip days.
Billing information
No payment will be accepted the day of the field trip. All schools will be invoiced after their trip. For more information see our Program Policies.
Cancellation fee
Cancellations must be received 14 days before your trip. See our Program Policies. Contact us at if you need to reschedule.
- Choose your options
- Schedule your experience
- Prepare for your day
- Accessibility
- Suggested time on site: 3 hours maximum